

It's strange how little motivation I've had to be creative, given the gross amount of boredom occupying the sad, sad post-university lifestyle I'm now living. Granted I still keep the talons sharp with the occasional chat-up of your odd undergrad, but it's really just for sport.

What to do, what to do? I used to find entertainment in the sporadic updates of this blog, and now that I'm trying once again to hide my inefficiency at work by the frantic and prolonged punching of keys, it seems like a hobby worth resurrecting.

You know what
really pisses me off, though? H-bomb's not even worth it anymore. It's more like when you read old essays from highschool that you thought were brilliant and life affirming, but in retrospect, you're thinking "Jesus, what a whinyvagina!"

T-shirts finally here, available, hot as hell!

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