

apparently my posts are too long, and some of you can't be bothered to make it all the way through the whole three paragraphs of that last one, so i've distilled today's post down to make it more palatable to those with obvious attention disorders:


have a wonderful tuesday.

big congratulations to uncle NP, today. rock on.


reg said...

for real britney is doing a remake of footlose? i feel like that is more of a jessica simpson role....cheer up dude.

neilio said...

i'm with reg: it's time to cheer you up. no more gloomy gus. your next post should be on something happy like unicorns or fresh flowers or destroying your enimies.

neilio said...

oh, and to uncle NP, hearty congratulations.

please let us know if their names are actually turner and hooch, or whatever the hell you had suggested.