

i've become extremely dissatisfied with this entire situation: i'm paying a hefty sum of money to take a hodgepodge of classes with no common thread or direction just so i can sham a future employer into thinking i'm qualified for a job for which i have clearly received no prior training. i don't think i'm very comfortable with that, and tomorrow will be the first day i wake up wishing i hadn't chosen this path.

...most distressing, indeed...

also Myers-Briggs thinks i should be an investment banker or an advertising manager. i've considered killing myself over this little revelation.


Dak-Ind said...

with the description of your course work, i would think "engineer" ?

neilio said...

myers-briggs is of the mind that i should be a rabbi, so best not to place too much faith in that one.

hang in there, buddy.

J said...

hang in there, buddy. it'll get better.

this is me. politician? i don't think so.

reg said...

welcome to grad school! oh, and meyers brigg is a load of crap. i took it in college and it sent me into a month long depression.