

i woke up again this morning worrying about future plans. again. this does not fill me with joy.

it dawned on me that i'm sick of plans. i have accomplished great things in my life on the smoldering rubble of well laid plans, and i intend to continue to trust my own careening chaos of loosely-collected serendipity to come through in the end.

planning is the antithesis of opportunity.

it is therefore only logical to conclude that i will find interesting bits and pieces while looking for not interesting bits and pieces, just as surely as a quest for anything is proof of its absence.

i am the smirking boy king of lucky coincidence; keep your hands off the automobile, motherfuckers.

PS. anyone know of a job i might have? i'm quite good with people.


J said...

i think you'd make a hilarious 'i bet i can guess your weight' guy at a carnival.

J said...

here's a job for you -> make a new post to keep us all entertained!!

reg said...

i'm bored....give me the dish on anne's wedding.