

ok here's something fairly fucked up: i was letting my mind wander on its own little demented tangents, as i often do in moments of boredom, about what it would be like to get into a massive car accident. i know. it's fucked up. i don't mean i want anyone to get hurt, including me, but it would be a real trip to drive off a bridge, a really tall bridge, into the water. it would be a thrill, wouldn't it? i wouldn't want to die, though, that'd be a drag.

i wouldn't want my car to get hurt, either...

anyone else think about fucked up things like that? i can't be the only one.



J said...

the other day i was thinking about what it would be like to get hit by a car while crossing the street. not that i want the pain that accompanies a broken body or anything, but i was curious what the force of the car would do to me.
i think i'll look both ways before crossing again just in case though.

neilio said...

i have a thing for bike accidents, so i often imagine what it would be like a) to be involved in a grand "Hi Wayne..."-type accident or b) to cause one. i wouldn't want to get hurt or hurt anyone, but i would like to see someone go ass-over-tea-kettle over a car door.

reg said...

i used to consider swerving my car into the median while driving on the highway. but i don't don't anymore. kudos, zoloft.