

I didn't want to start the week with a political discussion, but I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to share with everyone (the 1.5 intentional readers per day plus the sorely disappointed redirects from Google:search="Lindsay +Lohan +Brooke +Hogan +thong") this Valentine's Day miracle from Texas:

"The 5th Circuit, siding 2-1, said it is unconstitutional to punish individuals selling sexual devices, since those devices are typically used in the privacy of people's homes."

Just in time for America's most romantic holiday, it is now as easy to buy a dildo in Texas as it is to procure an assault riffle (whew!). Opponents of the decision cite "sexual addiction" as a major cause of concern, and that making sex toys more available will only feed this "recognized mental disorder." Supporters of the decision (e.g. me) are quick to point out that tobacco and liquor are both widely available in Texas and are responsible for the deaths of thousands every year. Sex toys, in contrast, kill very few (I don't have the statistics in front of me, but I'll go out on a limb and claim dildo-related deaths can't really compare with... oh, say gun violence... just a thought). Personally, I'd rather confront a sex-addict than an "I'm currently shooting you in the chest"-addict, but it's all a matter of perception, I guess.

The story, which I found through WashingtonPost.com, links to this truly chilling website ("Nominated for Best Conservative Blog"), which you should visit, especially if you are one of the girls from Carrie or an "I'm currently shooting you in the chest"-addict.

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