

i don't want to jinx it, but watching the yankees go down tonight against the LAA'soA (or whatever the fuck i have to call them now) made me think that perhaps i'm the catalyst that brings the good mojo to the baseball teams... first the blessed, blessed BoSox (to whom i pledge my undying loyalty and my hetero-sports-crushes 4-eva) and now the Angels...


technically if i'm the catalyst, i'm merely decreasing the activation energy of the reaction from not mojo to mojo... well... in reality i'm only increasing the likelihood of a Team-Mojo* intermediate with equal chances of converting back to Team + Mojo as TeamMojo, but we can assume both BostonMojo and LAMojo were present in exceedingly small quantities, so let's just ignore the rate-limiting Team-Mojo* to TeamMojo conversion and focus on the Team + Mojo step and, given the relatively fast rate to which the Red Sox and the Angels were converted to the TeamMojo product, we might assume k(lucky charm) of the Mojination reaction is large? yes? However, i'll need to wait until the '05 world series before i can assign Vmax... if LA fails to win the series this year, do we assume i have a higher affinity for Boston than LA? or am i ignoring the competitive [NY]?

we'll just have to wait and see, but the algebra for the postseason becomes exceedingly complex as the playoffs continue.

i'll keep you posted.


reckless said...

dude, you totally forgot the rate-limiting reagent of the SOUTHSIIIIIIIIIIDE which means it doesn't even matter who won, cause the boys from under thirty-five are gonna take it alllllll home.

ps. it is INCREDIBLY hard to type in your anti-spam nonsense while drunk.

J said...

nik, you've been drinking, haven't you!? :) you're funny when you drink.