

cockblock: the process by which one man surreptitiously draws the attention of a woman away from the man who (presumably) was making progress towards sleeping with her

rockblock: the process by which some assclown whips out a guitar at a party and starts playing 'brown eyed girl' and the hottie you were almost going to nail coos, bats her eyes, and drools, 'ooooo! a guitar!' and sits down next to Sr. Guitarra

lousy hippies...

and just you wait to hear what i have to say about janice rogers brown. "liberalism is slavery"?! you've got to be fucking kidding me.

1 comment:

J said...

glockblock: this one can go one of two ways as i see it....
1.)guy takes out his piece and lures the girl away with its shinyness(sp?)
2.)guy pulls the gun on the guy who was macking with the chica and takes the chica hostage. probably more likely when dealing with a gun, no?