
RENO 911

jesus fucking christ, can i just tell you how miserable i am right now? i mean honestly, what the fuck?

...not like ian curtis "ice age" miserable, just more like the very end of "all over the world" pixies miserable...

a whole fistfull of suck finally caught up with me today, so i think i'll get mucho drunk-o and watch Reno 911 until the weee hours of the morning. but it's not like me to be miserable; misery is so distasteful when there are so many other things to revel in, such as my new 6'3" St. Croix extra-fast action fishing rod...

...or porn.

and my all-time favorite movie line (aside from, first you have to purify yourself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka): "he wouldn't know a good idea if it bit him in the pachanga." what does that even mean?


J said...

cheer up, Ry. you'll be in Cali soon enough.

reg said...

i'll be in the ray on friday till sunday. going to cymi's birthday bbq?