

There are two types of people in this world, those who prefer to have things laid out in front of them, and those that prefer to have things laid down behind them. I am, without a doubt, of the latter.

This became clear to me while trying to explain the governing principles behind the BAM philosophy:

1) A plan is the antithesis of adventure. A plan presupposes you know what to expect, and should be avoided. The best experiences in one's life are often built upon the ashes of well-laid plans.

2) A map is a crutch. Unless you are late for something important, keep those demons under control. The most boring distance between two points is a line drawn by someone else.

In both cases, the introduction of a secret map (e.g. treasure map) trumps all rules. But beware, not everyone can stomach the thought of operating without a net. This is a perfectly acceptable and commendable position, and you should take steps to avoid scaring these people. They will not, however, be receiving a super-secret nom de guerre. What say you, Skip? Have I done right by these principles?

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