

ok so i've learned something about my audience: you don't respond well to the personal rants and raves on my blog but you all perk up your ears like curious little deer when i mention 'sex toys' or 'nudity'... cheeky bastards, you... one of you has gone so far as to point out a commercially available product that promises to give me 'hours of pleasure' and is 'designed for discrete storage' (which means it looks like a flashlight when "sheathed" according to the website). there are two distinct problems i can identify with this product: 1) no one would or could possibly mistake it for a flashlight, and 2) i personally was not designed for 'hours of pleasure,' a fact that, unfortunately, has been proven time and time again. what if i can't provide it with hours of pleasure? will i feel inadequate? will the sex toy become frustrated and bitter? will our relationship become awkward and passive aggressive, and will my sex toy eventually seek affection elsewhere? frankly, i can't handle that kind of pressure... but then again, there's no reason to sabotage a relationship before it even starts, right?

ironically, i'm warming up to my naked-once-a-month vow as the weather cools off... i'll entertain any creative suggestions you might have as to the location of the first innudification.


J said...
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J said...

i have a suggestion... why don't you do something like those knome photos that were going around for a while, but do it with you in the Boston area mostly. Of course, we will be expecting one or two from your home town when you're there.
Just picture it... you naked sitting on top of the golden ducks on the boston common, or just sitting on a stoop reading a book in beacon hill ever so naturally in the buff. i imagine the photos would be hilarious. could start a whole following... nakednav.com you know, i think i know a web developer who might be able to help with that. ;)

reckless said...

i can think of hundreds of reasons to sabotage relationships before they start. it's like you're not even trying.

reckless said...

i just realized that thus far, both of my comments have featured some variation of the phrase "you're not trying."

ladies and gentlemen, i have a theme.