

This pitiful excuse for a blog (though in my weaker moments, I imagine these words bringing my more sensitive readers a moment of pure joy) has spawned some pretty interesting neologisms over the years. Though I would never equate my efforts with those of the wildly successful, "satirical attempt to name the frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex after Senator Rick Santorum," I feel like I've had moments of linguistic prescriptiveness worthy of mention.*

My newest BFFF (the extra F is for 'fellatio,' despite the fact we've never met face to face, and she's currently engaged in some long term FFFing with one of my oldest and dearest BFFs. I love you guys), asked me to furnish some of the more specific details of my Men's Room Encounter from two posts previous. I did not, as she would point out, specify how I knew about the stranger's recent viviparity. The resulting conversation, in it's unedited entirety, is reproduced below. If you haven't already noticed, I have given up trying to be polite, and have settled on "borderline disgusting and despicable." Then again a number of my one-time readers stumbled upon this site via searches for "Lindsay AND Lohan AND vagina" or "Dominican AND Mafia AND skanks," words which do, in fact, appear in my text, yet not specifically in that order (thanks SiteMeter.com for this stimulating insight into the anonymous web surfer). "Give them what they ask for," I always say. That's show business, baby. Enjoy:

me: I left some parts out, though

m: but the revelation of childbearing?
me: right.
m: um, cuza the tumtum, or the cooch?
me: tumtum
m: oh,
i thought maybe she was all flappy n shit
(gag puke)
me: like those big brush curtains at the car wash....
m: oh god
oh god
me: swayin' back and forth
baaaaaach and forth
m: oh GOD
me: whappitawhappitawhappita
m: dude
we totally just coined a HELLA tight term
me: woot!
"check out that girl's CARWASH!"
m: "dude, see that girl? she's GOTTA be sportin some brush curtains!"

*A quick search in the, of course, definitive and exhaustive resource that is Google will reveal I, indeed, was the first to propose the phrase "hot me-on-me action," at least within the ten most popular Google searches. I prefer to accept this as scientific fact and shall pursue the matter no further.

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