

sooooo... since it's only the hardline democratic iraqis that showed up to vote in today's election, and most of the militant, i-hate-my-dad sunnis stayed home and went, "what the fuck is an election?" i find myself weighing the two following possibilities: 1) have we (duh) plunged iraq into perpetual IRA/UDA, israel/palestine, autobot/decepticon-esq 'terror'-dominated civil war, complete with infrastructure/economy destroying socio-political polarization and mounting anti-US sentiment from both sides (ironic, don'tcha think?), or 2) have the ends, surprisingly enough, justified the means and the hoi polloi are runnin' the show? i shudder to think, but valid point nonetheless. ...i mean, honestly, a dysfunctional democracy where a slim majority of the religious/morally-conscious operates freely, while successfully alienating the quiet, yet crafty, minority works just fine..... right?..... riiiiiiight. ummmmmmm.... TO THE BEER RESERVES!!!

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