

i'm tired and i want to go to bed, but before i drift off i want somebody to come up with a sentence that uses the phrase, "but it wasn't fair to the other pants," or some variation (e.g. "it's not fair to the other pants"). also, if your name is nelio be sure to read my response to the comments in the previous post... words must not go to waste.

aw hell, as long as i'm still up i might as well share something with you: i woke up sluggish this morning and let my alarm play conservative talk radio for amusement and i happened to catch the 'calls from listeners' section (where the ultra-right can call in to either reinforce jay severin's world view, more frequently, ask him what they should be thinking about a particular topic... that's not a joke; i'm quite serious). today's topic: gays in the military. you can guess how out of control it all became, yes? dig this, brethren: he quotes jack fucking nicholson from a few good men... "who's going to do it? you? you, lieutenant weinberg?" asks jack in the movie. jay, our savior and radio host, directs this reference to the gay population, because "believe it or not, folks, we are at war, and our soldiers need to be able to protect us; they have to be capable of fighting for our freedom" (he rolls the last phrase in his mouth, savoring the gravity of his words). oh, i'm sorry, did anybody mind that jay severin just implied that gays are physically inferior to the straight boys? luckily we get a call from a local army recruiter (and i live in fucking Massachusetts people! ) who then proceeds to tell everyone listening that yes! the army does discriminate! yes, think i, finally someone steps up to call this man on his gross negligence and slander! but alas, the cards fall differently, because she spews: "jay, the army discriminates against all kinds of people, not just gays... we discriminate against people with really bad asthma, and people physical disabilities, and.. and.. (she struggles at this point, her voice pleading for jay to bail her out. clearly the poor thing did not expect the deep end to be so deep), jay, our lord and savior of talk radio, picks up where she left off: "...people who have extremely bad vision."

wow. thank god for jay severin. not only did he save this brave woman, but he managed to fucking equate homosexuality with a medically fucking certifiable physical disability. you see? this is why i dry-heave sometimes.

i only have one thing to say about this particular (and unsurprising) stance on homosexuality: jay severin, have you ever been to halsted market days? because i have.... in the summertime... and i'll fucking tell you, jay severin, if i ever needed anyone to protect my freedom, i pick those dudes. those gay guys are fucking JACKED. i will swear to you all that i have never, ever in my life seen such a collection of ripped, pumped, jacked-up, musclebound, lou-fucking-ferrigno dudes in one place. i haven't been that irrationally intimidated by anything ever in my entire life and i was selling fucking jewelry for god's sake! i actually got hit on once and, not being gay myself, i politely declined, turned and soiled myself. so anyone who thinks that all gay men are lilly-white, limp-wristed pantywaists can just go and fuck themselves right in their bigoted, ignorant asses... ironic, eh?

and mad respect to you diesel gay men, i can't even get down to the gym.

here's something for you to read... keep in mind this is from Massachusetts where fucking ted fucking kennedy lives:

(also did i hear him say we should kill all muslims? actually, my dear friends, i did. check up on this guy.)

1 comment:

neilio said...

Jay Severin is a close second to Ann Coulter on the "People Neil Can't Fucking Stand" list. I'd write more, but I have to go spit the bile out of my mouth after reading his op-ed (for like the tenth time).